OK, so we call it ‘Fairy Floss’ in Australia…but I thought that Cotton Candy had a better ring to it.
I am obsessed with the stuff! I have lost track of how many products I have that are Cotton Candy scented . I am a bit of a Diva too. So there you are, my blog title in a nutshell…or should that be Fairy floss bucket?
Now my actual blog…There’s no point saying what it will be about, because I’m sure I would just end up changing it a bazillion times. So it will be pretty much a general blog about things like Fashion, beauty, shopping, things I like and the odd musing from time to time.
I am currently studying Journalism at Uni, so I will have a lot of study to do… but I will try to post an entry at least once a week. It may even end up helping me with my study.
♥ Cotton Candy Diva
Never been a huge fan of “cottoncandy” … but when I was younger I used to put a bunch of sugar on to some clean foil and put a drop of food colouring over it and then put it under the grill and it solidifies in to this weird sheet of …. hard sugar and it’s red. So, win-win… I dont know who taught me to do that but it tastes exactly like fairy floss.
Looking forward to more blogs
Thanks…hopefully there will be more entries soon! haha that sounds awesome, I must try it