I know this post is a little self indulgent….a little? OK it is totally self indulgent, but I would like to share two lists of items that I’ve had my eye on for a while or have seen recently and loved. Here is my Christmas wishlist
Why two?..One is a list of items that I can (and might buy for myself) or that I may hint at my family to buy me for Christmas. The other list will be of items I would like, but will only dream of them because they are a little too extravagant.
List #1
1. Mariah Carey Lollipop Bling Trio Set $39.99, from Chemist Warehouse– This was something I had wanted last year for Christmas, but it was $99! The trio consists of the 3 lollipop bling scents that were released last year. ‘Honey’ (Yellow), ‘Mine Again’ (Red) and ‘Ribbon’ (Blue/pink) all 30ml bottles. While I love all the scents, it was the cute ‘gumball’ packaging that won me over.
2. Salt & Pepper Nutcracker Footed Cake Plate 12cm with Glass dome $17.95, from David Jones– I am pretty sure, 99% sure that I will end up buying this myself, it’s so cute and I already know where I would put it/do with it. I have this white tea tray on a stand that I purchased a few months ago, I would put the cake plate on that and I thought it would look great with some (my favourite) Macarons on it.
3. Hello Kitty Giant Pez dispenser $17.99, from Priceline-As soon as I saw this in Priceline, I wanted one…I’ve always loved Pez and have never seen giant dispensers before. They come in a box with a few packets of (regular sized, I wish they were giant too) Pez candies. There are also Buzz Lightyear and Spongebob ones available.
4. ‘Above’ Fuchsia wedges $39.95 from , Spend-less shoes– Wait…that’s right I already bought these and even though I have, I thought that they deserved a mention. If I hadn’t already bought them, they would be on this list anyway. I loved the colour and they are supper comfy on…though, that may change after I’ve worn them for a whole day.
5. Anything from the Lindt Lindor range especially the milk chocolate or white Lindor– What can I say…Lindt Lindor is my most favourite chocolate ever! It’s so smooth and creamy, a little piece of heaven!
List #2
1. Coral Blush and Cream Stripe, Striped Bow Skirt $69.99 from Forever New– I love this skirt it is so pretty and feminine. At $69.99 it’s not that expensive, but it’s not something I can afford right now.
2. Sanyo VPC-GH1 Pink Digital Video Camera $299 from Camera House– While I am hoping to get a HD video camera after/for Chrismas, this is a bit out of my (and Mum & Dad’s) price range I love that it’s baby pink, it fits with ‘Cotton Candy’
3. Coco Chanel Mademoiselle Eau De Purfume 100mls $234 from Myer– This is one of the perfumes that I love, but will most likely never own…unless i win a lottery or get rich some how haha
4. A pair of Christian Loubutin shoes, ‘Discuita’ $1295 from David Jones– I did say extravagant! Yes they are really expensive for one pair of shoes, but nothing can compare to the design and trademark red sole of a pair of Loubuitins!
5. Tiffany & Co. Shopping bag charm and Chain $305 for the charm and $70 for the chain, from Tiffany & Co.– As a huge fan of Audrey Hepburn and the movie Breakfast at Tiffanys, it’s only natural that I would want something that comes in the famous little blue box. I love this little shopping bag because it’s cute, is the trademark blue and serves as a kind of memento of shopping at Tiffanys.
What would be on your ‘extravagant’ wish list?
xoxo Cotton Candy Diva
I went to Tiffany’s yesterday with a friend and I didn’t see a lot of things that I would wear from there. I love the bulky & traditional Tiffany’s necklaces with the heart shape locket, but I can’t handle anything around my neck except a thin chain so I’d never wear it.
I wish I was more in to fashion, but I find shopping so disheartening and I rarely find stuff that I like and that I look good in, so I barely go shopping so I don’t start getting self-piteous. My extravagances are more of the technological kind lol.
I’d get lots of accessories for my Mac, I’d buy an iMac. I’d buy a shitwad more books and a new expensive Ikea bookshelf. I’d buy a couple of MJ things on ebay that are overpriced but very, very necessary for my collection. I’d get a new bottle of Marc Jacob’s Daisy (best. perfume. ever) I’d buy a bunch of xbox games which, at this point, I’d need to sell my first born to buy lol. and since I’m apparently in this weird second childhood, I’d buy more lego to add to my collection.
Ohhh I’d buy a new hair straightner, the most expensive one I could find… The more expensive they are, the better I’ve found. And to help with these stupid curls, I’d buy the Moroccan oil shampoo and conditioner and curl stuff
I’m the total opposite, I love delicate jewellery….I’d love to own a Tiffanys key necklace, but the one I want is over $2,000!
Nice extravagant list! Love Mark Jacob’s Daisy it’s really nice, there is a new hot pink edition out for Christmas, don’t know what it smells like though. Can totally relate with the 2nd childhood thing, since re-releasing Sylvanian families I want to buy heaps of them haha
GHD? I want one, but they’re $200+ so no not likely they’re so pretty too with different colours and matching pouches/covers for them