With it being so hot over the past few days here in Victoria, I decided it was a great time to try out the Linden Leaves Gold Mist.
I was introduced to the New Zealand skincare brand, Linden Leaves via ilovethisbox. I received their Ginger Peach shower crème in my January box and I was so impressed with it, that I went to the Linden Leaves website and contacted them directly to give them my feedback.
After browsing through the products on their site, the Gold collection caught my eye. I thought that seeing as Australia’s summer can get pretty hot, the Gold Mist was the perfect product in the collection to review.
What it says on their site:
“A refreshing facial spritz, enriched with chamomile, witch hazel and avocado extract for natural toning and moisturising. Contains real 23kt gold flakes.”
Linden Leaves sent me a generous 20ml sample bottle of Gold Mist to try. Upon smelling the mist in the bottle, it smelled strongly of alcohol and witch hazel, but this was not the case when I sprayed it onto my face. The mist is sweet smelling when sprayed onto the face, with only a hint of witch hazel. I thought this was great as the smell of witch hazel combined with the smell of alcohol can be quite overwhelming. Not something I am a fan of.
Once the mist settled on my face, it felt refreshing, without feeling oily. I have quite oily skin already (especially on hot days) so it surprised me that it was non-greasy.
At $36.25 AUD for a 50ml spray bottle, you may think it is a little expensive, but really only one spray is needed to feel refreshed (so it will last for quite a while) and the bottle does have 24kt gold flakes floating around in it! If you don’t buy it for yourself, I’m sure it would be great as a gift!
With it’s moisturising and toning properties and its 24kt gold flakes, Linden Leaves Gold Mist is luxury in a bottle!
To check out the Gold Mist and other Linden Leaves products visit their website http://au.lindenleaves.com/
xo xo Cotton Candy Diva
Disclaimer: I requested a sample of Gold Mist and Linden Leaves kindly sent me a 20ml sample bottle for review. This is not a sponsored post, nor am I receiving any other sort of compensation for this post. All opinions are my own honest opinion and if there are any aspects of a product that I do not like, I am not afraid to say so.