Valentine’s Day is that one day a year-where if you are single, you are over looked or ignored. If you didn’t already feel bad enough about not having a significant other on this day, stores make it worse (from January to early February) by clearly displaying their Valentine’s Day products and cards, that are marketed to couples.
The design team at Typo have come up with a way to include the single people on Valentine’s day , they have released a range of cards for single people!
Whether you treat yourself or go out with your single friends, Why not celebrate being single on a day that revolves around being in a relationship?
For the single people
One of the cards says ‘F*** Happy Valentine’s Day, you’re single and Fabulous’, which reminds me of Sex and the City. Another (pictured below) that says ‘Single woman unite to search for The perfect man, that isn’t Gay, Married or a Pansy ass mamma’s boy. This one made me quietly laugh to myself when I read it in-store.
The cards may not be ground breaking or even empowering, but they make light of that one day that can make singles feel really bad about themselves.
All cards are $2.95 each from Typo (not all are available online)
We are taught from an early age, that when we ‘grow up’ we need to find someone, settle down and start a family. It is a lot of pressure and when you are single (whether it was your choice or not) you shouldn’t have to feel ashamed or less of a person, just because you are alone!
This Journal sums up (for me) what it is to be single…
I don’t like the commercialisation of Valentine’s day, but I do love all the cute products that get released! I am a girly girl, so anything heart shaped or in varying shades of pink and red, I love…I will be buying myself the red Lindt chocolate heart tin (available from Woolies for $10).
One Typo card shows the commercialisation of the day…
I thought it was clever and funny, because it is so true! Florists make a killing on Valentine’s day because frantic boyfriends/fiances/husbands will pay anything when it’s last minute and they totally forgot.
Not all guys are ‘into’ Valentine’s day, some couples do something special every year, while some single people may throw ant-valentine’s day parties or just treat themselves (because you should love yourself, right?)
I won’t wish you all a happy Valentine’s yet because I have a couple more Valentine’s Day themed posts and it’s only February 1st!
Until next time…
XO XO Evelyn
Lol. I love those cards!
Thanks for commenting! I think it’s great to see more than the usual ‘couple’ related cards. Typo is known to be bold/controversial with their stationery and greeting cards haha
Oh dear, I love those cards!!! I’m not single on Valentine’s day at all… but in some ways, being in a long term relationship can be a little bit the same
we don’t do anything on Valentine’s day (but that’s mostly because my birthday was just a few days before) but even if it wasn’t, I don’t think we would… we find other times to be romantic and do lovely things for each other, without the pressure of a romance day!
The first card you mentioned is totally a Samantha thing to say
I think that’s how it should be though! While the idea of romance is there for Valentine’s Day, it is quite forced. I believe you should show someone you care about them all year round, not just that one day a year. There are also a lot of expectations that comes with valentine’s day (mostly women wanting a fuss to be made, when some guys couldn’t give a crap about the day! haha)
Of course I don’t begrudge anyone from ‘celebrating’ Valentine’s Day (I am a hopeless romantic after all), but the hype of the day shouldn’t consume you.
Love it! Happy Singles Awareness day on the 14th
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