
About the blog

I started Cotton Candy Diva in mid 2011 as a creative outlet and to build up my writing portfolio. What started off as a Fashion and Beauty blog, has now branched in to general life related posts too. I hope to deliver fresh content, including post that are on current fashion trends, beauty reviews, where to find amazing bargains and much more. I believe that products or clothing don’t need to be expensive, to look expensive! It is all about how you wear/style them.


About the ‘Diva’ behind the blog

Who is the Diva on Cotton Candy Diva? My name is Evelyn, I am based in Geelong, Victoria (Australia), but I see Melbourne as my second home…I am a city girl at heart, even though most of my life I have lived in the ‘country’. What you see is pretty much what you get with me. A creative soul and a big dreamer, I can sometimes get carried away with some of my ‘big ideas’. I am taking a year (or so) off from studying my Bachelor of communications, majoring in Journalism and public relations, until I…work out if that is truly the path for me.

I love fashion (especially shoes) and I am lover of music, not liking just one genre, often getting obsessed with a song that I’m loving at that current point in time.

I do consider myself a bit of a diva, but not in the hugely demanding way like some celebrities are! haha When I get an idea in my head, I generally want to do things my way, but I am always polite to everyone I meet. Life’s too short to be rude to people, like they say ‘treat people the way you want to be treated’ as cliche as that is…

I hope you enjoy reading my blog and that you stay a while 🙂





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